
Hi! You might be wondering who The Perfume Magpie is.

The Perfume Magpie is a lovely lady (well, actually there are some split opinions about this) who is obsessed with perfumes, often spotted in perfume shops and cosmetic counters sniffing and spraying from numerous bottles with a keen interest. She is a little bit eccentric but not dangerous. She’s been in love with perfumes ever since she received her first perfume (Hello Kitty) when she was 5 or 6. For a strange fate, she used to work for a company for 6 years where absolutely no perfumes, colognes or scents of any kinds were allowed, and now she is experiencing some kind of rebound from the fragranceless time.

The Perfume Magpie loves so many different things. She loves nature & wildlife. The love of her life is, of course, her husband (unfortunately he passed away in 2014) but David Attenborough comes a close second. She loves photography, especially in B&W. She loves arts & crafts and enjoys painting, silversmithing, knitting, stained glass making and so many other things.

The purpose of this blog is to share her love for perfumes with anyone who is willing to listen to(read). She might write some mini-reviews, share some photos, drawings and stories related to perfumes.

The Perfume Magpie is still discovering the vast universe of perfumes and other nice smelling things. She would love to hear from anyone who shares the same interests. By the way, The Perfume Magpie is also known as Thinking Magpie on the forums and elsewhere.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. What a great blog you have here, Magpie. I suppose it’s not too late to congratulate you on arrival in the blog’o’sphere. I love the layout and the vignette. Did you do it? I’m looking very much forward to following your magpieing ventures

    • Thank you for stopping by, Asali! Yes, I’m trying to cram my other passion, art & photography, into my little blog space. 🙂 I’m finding this to be a real therapeutic and worthwhile world to get into!

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